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Marco Tamayo

Marco Tamayo, the Cuban guitarist with Austrian citizenship, acclaimed as the “Il Re della Chitarra” (The king of the guitar) has preserved his international reputation in all fields of classical guitar. Marco Tamayo, the new Professor for classical guitar at the Universität der Künste Berlin (UDK) is winner of major international competitions with more than 25 awards among which we can list the International Guitar Competition Michele Pittaluga -Cita di Alessandria / Italy, International Guitar Competition Andrés Segovia / Spain, Vienna-Rust, Nikita Koshkin International Guitar Competition / Austria, Leo Brouwer International Guitar Competition in Havana / Cuba. Marco Tamayo is a well-known soloist and cooperates with different chamber music ensembles. His repertory includes all different styles and is considerably large.


As a president of Jury panels and organiser of guitar festivals, Marco Tamayo has gained experience since early age. Lately, his interest in composition has lead him to create new literature for the instrument. 


Marco Tamayo started playing guitar at the early age of three (3) years old, he was hailed as a prodigy child at the age of six and his first international tour took place in Europe when the young guitarist was ten (10) years old. The tour included Germany (former DDR) and Bulgaria.


His pedagogical experience counts with Professorship at the Sidney University /Australia, at the GMPU (Gustav Mahler Privat Universität) / Austria, at the Mozarteum University of Arts-Salzburg /Austria, at the Academy of arts Gdanks /Poland, and recently he won, among more than 400 guitarists from all over the world, the Professorship at the UDK Berlin. His class is joined by guitarist from all around the globe. Most of them are now well-known guitarist in the international scene.


Tamayo’s book "Essential Principles for the interpretation on the Classical Guitar" changed the approach to classical guitar teaching around the world. 


Marco Tamayo is the Artistic Director of the "Michele Pittaluga Int. Guitar contest" (since 1999, year in which he won the competition), and director and founder of the "Klagenfurt Int. Competition and Festival" in Austria (event that ended last 2020).  He is also an Honorary Citizen of the City of Solero and Alessandria, both in Italy. Marco Tamayo is currently performing on a guitar built by luthier Stephen Connor, from the United States of America. He is a Savarez Artist and uses Cantiga Premium- Alliance / Blue strings. Tamayo is the Chairman of Marco Tamayo Edition, a publishing house created in 2014. 


This current year 2024, Marco Tamayo presents his new project online “Tamayo’s Masterclasses”, a platform that aim to share his knowledge collected throughout the years, performing and analysing famous works and basic compositions for the instrument.

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